All Change & Aesthetica Symposium in York
All Change
Yes, I’ll admit, I’ve been a little quiet on here recently. There’s a couple of reasons for this. Firstly in February I was a proper old fart, fell over and cracked a rib or two… It surprised me how much it holds you back, as I’m usually quite active. But not being able to take deep breaths and fearing each time your throat threatens to cough is a huge handbrake on activities (you can imagine how blue the air was when I unexpectedly sneezed one day…).
Secondly, just before my tumble, my Instagram account was hacked and deleted. Apparently for a couple of minutes I was a Russian woman called Tania… Oh well, if you’ve seen my last YouTube video (HERE), I was talking about how we should read more books for inspiration rather than scrolling endlessly on Instagram… Karma eh?
But temporarily becoming a Russian woman for a few minutes is NOT the ‘All Change’ I’m talking about in this title. I’ve been having a think about what direction this blog, my website and YouTube videos should be heading. From feedback across my socials, my RoadTrip stories are the content that gains the most interest and momentum. And so, coming soon will be a new blog site and YouTube channel specifically about RoadTrips near and far, plus an extra added dimension for enjoying a full day out that anyone and everyone can enjoy.
The Neil Shelby Long photography website will still be there, but it’ll be concentrated more on the creation of photographic wall art, rather than a free for all of whatever takes my fancy. So I hope you’ll keep an eye out for my new venture which I’ll announce as soon as it’s up and running, as well as seeing what creations I come up with on here of course.
Aesthetica Magazine, Future Now Symposium
The last weekend of March saw me once again head to the beautiful walled city of York, for the Aesthetica Magazine annual symposium. Photography, painting, sculpture and installation art is all covered, along with how current and future technologies are/will be impacting the way we produce and consume art.
This is my second time attending. For one or two days of the year, I actually feel vaguely artistic and intelligent after listening to the speakers and panellist discuss the art scene now and in the future. I’ll happily admit that some of it does go over my head, but we can’t be experts in everything. At least I feel smarter for a day or two…
Interesting talks from Ori Gersht about reimagining classical works and the fracturing of time, artistic Sound Design and installation by Yuri Suzuki and a panel discussion about the future of photography were all taken in. Now, art is subjective, which is a good thing, because some of the examples of work I saw left me questioning what on earth the artist was thinking… But clearly other people could look, appreciate and read far more into it than I could, which is how it should be. ( I mean, they were wrong, but…)
The following day before heading home, I took the opportunity to explore York. I didn’t get the opportunity last year, so I wanted to have a look at some of the ‘best of’ sights and tastes York has to offer. So look out for my next post.